Brave German doctor testifies: Overrun with vaxx injured patients. Stop mandates now! (EN subs)

2 years ago

On April 27th, 2022, dr. Gunter Frank testified to the German House of Representatives on the subject of COVID vaccine mandates. Dr. Frank has 30 years of experience in his field.

Some of the important points in the testimony:

- In spite of claims by previous 'experts', international data are unambiguous that the COVID 'vaccines' have lost all efficacy.

- Doctors who treat COVID vaccine complications are being overrun with patient who have a broad spectrum of symptoms. (What all patients probably have in common is severe vaxx induced inflammation and blood clotting.)

- An example is a 36 year old nurse who had severe and excruciating inflammation in her right breast. So much tissue has been destroyed that a full mastectomy may be required. To add insult to injury, she is now being forced to get boosted if she wants to keep her job. A doctor that tries to protect her from medical tyranny, is criminalized.

- Dr. Frank calls on legislators to take their responsibility and finally end the unconstitutional, ineffective and harmful vaccine mandate for medical personnel.

- Doctors should assist patients with evidence based and fully informed decisions which are in the best interest of the patient according to the patients own judgment. Although official guidelines also prescribe this, it is very difficult for doctors to achieve this ideal due to powerful forces trying to force decisions towards the best interest of the pharmaceutical and other for-profit companies. (Profits over patients.)

- Since the 'pandemic', all quality criteria have been thrown overboard. For example, the clinical trials which led to the Emergency Use Authorizations (EUA) of the jabs have not carefully researched essential patient outcomes, such as all cause morbidity and mortality.

- The thalidomide scandal has led to the realization for the need of strict safety criteria and intensive monitoring, especially of new medications. However, with the COVID jabs, even very high fatality and morbidity rates have not led to the withdrawal of the EUA.

- The authorities seem to be completely indifferent to the human suffering they are causing with both their actions (e.g. mandates) and their inactions (e.g. not withdrawing the EUA).

- Even the most clear signals of tremendous harm of these injections are ignored. The German Minister of Health, Karl Lauterbach, refuses an evaluation of the government forced measures (of mass destruction). No one wants to see any harm caused, so they refuse to even look or consider.

- There are no valid scientific medical arguments for COVID vaxx mandates (since the injections neither reduce infection nor transmission nor severe disease), both for normal citizens and for medical personnel. However, there are massive safety concerns with the jabs. We are headed for a thalidomide scandal times 10.

- The vaxx induced damage is there for all to see.

NB: DIVI = Deutsche Interdisziplinäre Vereinigung für Intensiv- und Notfallmedizin. This is the German interdisciplinary federation for intensive and emergency medicine.


German mainstream media report: Vaxx injuries, underreporting, gaslighting, abandonment (EN subs)

Why vaxx injured feel abandoned - Vaxx injuries FINALLY reported in German mainstream media (subs)

German broadcaster removes hundreds of comments reporting vaxx injuries (German, no subtitles)


Translation by Frank Ploegman.

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