Codex Alimentarius (Pandemic Treaty) Big Pharma biotech GMO 'food' born out of Ultra Processed food

14 days ago

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Description/Info Box:
Title: Codex Alimentarius (Pandemic Treaty) Big Pharma biotech GMO 'food' born out of Ultra Processed food
(Pandemic treaty / IHR updates contd below)... The Codex Alimentarius underpins the IHR and Pandemic treaty also below. This vid features Greg Reese, Catherine Austin Fitts, Elze Van Hamelen, & Carloyn Betts Pandemic Treaty updates continue below (from 15.05.2025 fwd) CODEX ALIMENTARIUS, BIG PHARMA AND THE UN EXPOSED - FULL DOCUMENTARY .... AND ALSO THE PLANNED POISONING OF ALL OUR FOOD... THE CODEX ALIMENTARIUS (FOOD CODE) (1 of 5 )
THE RUMBLE VERSION of this vid has a fuller list of papers and films on the Codex in its description box here
See also the following 7 films on Nutrition and Dietetics on Rumble GSZP
1. WHO Pandemic treaty & Food Scarcity & famine today. Digital tokenisation of all (your) assets & the real 'N.E.S.A.R.A'
2. Ultra processed food & people (Tucker Carlson) Kiana Docherty, Dr Chris Tulleken & Calley Means
3. Flouride the Neurotoxin in your tap water (Fluoride = Rat Poison added with Uranium, Hexaflouride UF6 Nuclear Waste & Chlorine for cancer)
4. 'Big Pharma biotech GMO food' born out of Ultra Processed 'food'. Greg Reese, Catherine Austin Fitts, Elze Van Hamelen, & Carloyn Betts (Codex Alimentarius in the description box & new Pandemic warnings)
5. Breasts, Breast-feeding & Baby formula (powder) Nestlé's Darkest Secret: The Disturbing Truth. Its Revolution time baby...
6.The Food Pyramid Hoax 1970's to date. Meat, Vegetables or Chemicals. President Nixon and the removal of people from the land (just as the Bolsheviks, Lenin & Trotsky did, as today)
7. Rockefeller Medicine follow soon with additions (The Rockefeller Medical Cartel & Their Creation of Big Pharma)
UPDATES PANDEMIC TREATY / IHR contd 2.4.2023 until 31.05.2024 .... UPDATES (previous updates in last film below on nations sovereignty)
(15.05.2024) Ex CDC director issues bird flu great pandemic warning
1. Pfizer vaxx risk to pregnant woman 2. AND CAUSES CANCER settling 10,000 lawsuits Codex Alimentarius
& in NOV 2023 Slovakia said " Will not sign the WHO amendments" ... ON 15.05.2024 Slovakian President victim of attempted assassination attempt (speaking against it again the week before the attempted assassination)
Source: "Great Sermons & Zadok Productions"
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