The News Junkie's Cartoons
The News Junkie's Cartoons

The News Junkie's Cartoons

    Democratic Nursing Home One in Washington D.C.
    You can't make this shit up. Democrat Pelosi: "We have the Hamas report — let's accept that... what can be worse what Israel has done?.. only Republican side in the House is a Putin caucus..."
    Biden Clown Show: "It's going to get worse... I've seen the devastating toll of climate firsthand... my dad said it matters what's there at the end of the end of the paycheck... solar panels will give us more breathing room..."
    Democrat Ocasio-Cortez: "It is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful..."
    Trump hater MSNBC's Rachel Maddow reports fake news: "Trump seems considerably older. He seems annoyed and angry. He seems miserable. He's old, tired, and mad..."
    Hilarious: MSNBC's anchors sound surprised that Trump is more popular than Biden even in their own biased poll.
    After being busy campaigning for himself and escorted by his handlers — Biden shuffles out of the White House en route to a weekend of rest in Delaware.
    Local reporter: "When you drive around the area, you see a lot of Trump signs, not very many Biden signs." Biden: "You haven't been driving the right places, pal." ... Reporter: "They're giving me the wrap up sign."
    Mumbling-n-yelling Biden Clown Show: "People are doing better! I could go on, but I'm not going to... Instead of important foreign products, I'm exporting fedurhhahh products!.."
    You can't make this shit up: Biden makes a bizarre joke about his uncle eaten by cannibals, a reporter asks why Biden does that, Biden's Press Sec scolds the reporter for making a joke about Biden's joke and... blames Trump.
    Epic saga of Kerry Kennedy endorsing Biden on CNN: From being derailed by an anti-Biden protester with blood-curdling screams to a Freudian slip when instead of saying to vote for Biden she says: "Vote for Trump."
    Biden photo op: "What about... milkshake? ("You have to order it, sir")… You take that box. I'm gonna go order a milkshake..."
    Biden Clown Show in Philadelphia: "Are you ready to choose freedom over democracy?" Fake audience: "Yeah!"
    Biden, who is supposed to be loved by everyone vs Trump, who is supposed to be hated by everyone.
    Another Biden Clown Show, same old lies and nonsense.
    Q: "Are you concerned the new steel tariffs will hurt your relationship with China?" Biden: "No." Q: "Why?" Biden: "Don't jump!"
    Biden: "Where do you want me?" His handlers: "Time to move! Gotta go! Gotta move! Let's go!" Protesters outside: "Biden has to go!"
    What is strange in this video of a group of children walking Joe Biden? Everything.
    Biden tells his bizarre stories about "standing in a towel and shaving cream" and being "ahead in 35 polls!.. No, not a joke."
    Mumbling-n-yelling Biden repeats his lies in his another Clown Show.
    Biden claims that he never made more than $400K: He earned $17.3 million in 4 years after his VP term.
    Biden is on the way to his another Clown Show and he acts like he has no idea where he is or why he's there.
    This didn't age well. Biden 2020: "I'm worried Trump’s gonna get us to war in Iran."
    Biden's White House: The world burns while Democrats are having fun.
    Fake News CNN report: "Donald Trump appeared to be asleep. His head would fall down. He didn’t pay attention to a note his lawyer passed him. His jaw kept falling on his chest and his mouth kept going slack."