The News Junkie's Cartoons
The News Junkie's Cartoons

The News Junkie's Cartoons

    Biden Clown Show: "I spent a lot of time with Xi Jinping... electric charging stations have to be as easy to find as a gas station!.. China is not on the rise? Excuse me, China is on the rise, America is falling behind!"
    Plausible deniability: Biden's Press Sec claims that all Biden's failing policies are "incredibly popular," blames "a criminal defendant" Trump and Republicans.
    Biden Clown Show: "I work for Kamala Harris.. and Doug, our 1st 2nd gentleman ha ha ha.. 15 million new jobs.. the dog is cheering for that.. we're seeing a 50 year low in violent crime in America... not on our watch."
    Misunderstood genius cackling Kamala: "We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you, sometimes they won't, and then you need to kick that f**king door down! Ha ha ha! Excuse my language! Ha ha ha!"
    That's how Democrats manipulate their voters: Democrat Nadler quotes 2nd amendment skipping key words "the people."
    Democrat Newsom gets called out by a journalist after 2 minutes of dodging her questions.
    Biden's handler goes up to tell 'president' what to do.
    Democrat Carville: "Trump is more ahead than he's ever been, Democrat tactics are not working.. everything we're throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and none of it is sticking.. we gotta try to think of something different."
    Biden & Kamala Clown Show: "I kind of like that back to back stuff... More watching y'all [women] than anybody else... [Q: When will you debate President Trump?] Set it up!"
    New York Democrat Hochul: "Right now, we have young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't even know what the word 'computer' is, they don't know these things."
    CNN doesn't challenge Biden even when they have all the facts proving he's lying.
    "One of the most capable, influential, bold, and fearless thinkers ever," word salad champion cackling Kamala: "Ovaries! Ha ha ha! Fallopian tubes! Right?"
    Biden Clown Show: "My theology professor had been drafted by the Green Bay Packers... Liz Shuler — president of ayeeffffellseeyuhh!.. I've gone around the world literally meeting with the leading architects of AI!"
    Careful, Joe — the top of the short stairs is where it gets dangerous!
    Surrounded by his handlers, Biden shuffles across the lawn ignoring questions and making fun of the press.
    The sound of Biden's presidency.
    Biden forgets what he said just 7 mins before: "I got only a few busts in there, and one of them is of Cesar Chavez!"... "In the Oval Office, you'll see I have a bust of Cesar Chavez. It's only 5 busts I have in that office!"
    Where is Commander-in-Chief?
    Conspiracy theory provided by Democrat Waters: "Right-wing organizations" are "training up in the hills somewhere," and "Trump is a pure racist, and I am worried that the attack is gonna be on people of color!"
    Biden Morning Warming Up Clown Show.
    Misunderstood Genius Kamala expects the press to ask what she bought in the store: "Shrimp and grits. You wanted to know? Shrimp and grits." Nobody cares.
    Surrounded by his handlers, Creepy Biden as known as president shuffles off to Delaware for another long weekend of rest.
    You can't make this shit up: Biden's economic advisor turns into bumbling mess after he's asked why the government borrows money if they can just keep printing it.
    Biden's "Presidential Freedom of Medal" Clown Show: "She's not only, she's not only the only person receiving this medal, she is a, uh, she is a, uh, you know..."
    Trump hater De Niro says he can relate to people who "went through" Nazi Germany and Hitler now that he has experienced Trump.