The Top 10 Best Documentaries On Netflix

5 years ago

Watch as Erik and Justin count down the top 10 must see documentaries on Netflix right now. Did your favourite make the list? Are there any documentaries on here that you think shouldn't have made the cut? Let's find out!

Number 10 is Evil Genius, a documentary that investigates the real-life crime tale of an individual known as the Pizza Bomber. The three part documentary is unique and captivates the audience. The story of a burglary gone wrong and an unexpected murder resulting in the arrest of the accused. Erik states his mind was blown as he watched this documentary. I know I'm putting it on my list. Are you? He says he was hooked half way through the first part of the series, which is always a for sure sign of a good doc.

Number 9 is 5 ft 2 by Lady Gaga. This documentary follows Gaga as she prepares for the release of her the album Joanne and her exciting half-time performance at the super-bowl. This is a doc that I have seen and personally enjoyed. I found the film to offer a refreshing view of the true Lady Gaga and the emotions behind her music. It is sincerely raw and genuine, an intimate look behind the scenes. Justin claims to have never seen the doc but is interested. In my opinion, it is a good watch that will keep you captivated from start to finish.

Number 8 is Blackfish. This film is extremely important as it exposes the cruelty involved in Sea Worlds Orca training and breeding program. A horrifying look into the conditions they suffer, this doc also tells the story of a woman who got too close to an Orca who lashed out due to frustration not violence. Sea Worlds parking lot is ten times bigger than any of the marine life pools. This film is an eye opener and will make you no longer see Sea World, Zoos or animal containment for entertainment in the same light, and hopefully never support these industries again. Must. Watch.

Number 7 is Forks over Knives. Again, eye opening. This documentary follows the lives of individuals reliant on pills pharmaceuticals and medications transforming their lives and bodies through the adaptation of a plant based died. The facts in this movie are translated in a way for everyone to understand, and the results are staggering!

Number 6 is The Staircase. The story of Michael Peterson who is suspected of killing his wife but instead claims that she had fallen down the staircase. Do you believe him? Watch this documentary and get back to me because I don't think I do.

Number 5 is The Keepers. A creepy tale of a nun who disappeared and was murdered but the case has never been solved. Suspicious.

Number 4 is the Ted Bundy film, obviously. Aren't we all on a Bundy roll?

Number 3 is another must watch to change your entire perception of the food industry. Rotten. It centres around issues in our food supply system. It takes a cold and hard look and what it takes to feed the majority of our population meat and animal products.

Number 2. Fyre. This one is funny. They think they are all that but are quickly proven wrong. It's a great narrative.

And finally, number 1. Abducted in plain sight. This story examines the tale of a young girl who was abducted twice by a family friend and how her family and friends were duped into trusting the man convicted.

Well, that should keep you busy! Watch on documentary lovers and thank you Erik and Justin for awesome recommendations!

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