The Republican Clubs are MAKING A COMEBACK!

4 months ago

Local county Republican Men Club continues to lead in ensuring that unity is top priority. Uniting the Republican Clubs to elect the strongest of the strongest of candidates. Providing opportunity at every turn to Meet and Greet with all valid candidates, promoting civil discord by hosting debates among the decision makers. Stay tuned more to follow.

Iowa Caucus: Why don't they just fold their hands and support President Trump. We know the future outcome, why waste the donors money...Chris Christine is smart and looking for Ambassador position to France for the best desserts.

I smell a rat in the kitchen, no one is dropping out because they are in bed with the Democrats hoping that President Trump is indicted...No felon can run for Office of the President of the United States. So, who will actually win and be name the First Loser (second place)

Iowa weather is controlled by the Climate Activist (H.A.R.P.) don't forget Maui Island, that wasn't a forest fire running itself. Anything to help out with Bidenonimcs. Problem is Iowans are used to cold weather, as long as the snowplows don't stop granny wheelchairs from being rolled down the road/ will take place.

Local Politics is heating up. To be a member or not to be a member. Your local Republican Men Club endorses republican candidates for their run for office. Non-members complaining, "We're all Republicans that are trying to help our County." Show no love, receive no love. Unknown Author!!!!

Don't call me out for my decisive measures of trying to destroy our local Republican Party. Our influence is greater than yours, just ask anyone that is not running or involved in one of the local Republican Clubs. Our voices reach far and wide, our 30 followers are united and determined to take photos from different angles to give the impressions our numbers have grown. Join the Sovereign Citizen movement and be a minority with large voices that no one pays attention to.

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