9 months ago

In the most recent A1 "update" video (dated Monday the 21st of August 2023) Riccardo Bosi brazenly deceives his gullible followers by informing them Australia One is "a political organisation" among other things.

This is marketing BS at best, and an outright lie at worst.

Bosi's "Australia One" is most definitely not a political organisation and can best be described as a social media channel. The simple facts of the matter are that Bosi has never bothered to register the A1 party with the AEC or Australian Electoral Commission.

Bosi assured his followers he was in the process of submitting paperwork to register A1 back in March 2022 (a little over a year ago at this point) however, this never eventuated. Here is a copy+paste from website "Australian National Review" re Bosi's plan to "register" the A1 political party from March 2022 --


Thank you for your email regarding Australia One being a registered party. We get numerous emails pertaining to this. Riccardo along with myself have answered this question numerous times before in interviews and information seminars, [but] am happy to answer it again.

1. We are a registered business entity with the NSW business commission
2. We are in the process of being registered as an official party with the AEC
3. We have put papers in with ASIC a while ago and are waiting on the accreditation
4. As soon as that happens, we will be calling for memberships



Moreover, despite having zero expertise in constitutional law, he has since come out and declared political parties are "unconstitutional." Legal experts on this matter disagree entirely, as follows --

1. Dr Ben Saunders, an associate professor at Deakin Law School with a research interest in constitutional law, states the following: “The claim that political parties are illegal under the Australian Constitution is false: the constitution does not attempt to prohibit the existence of political parties in any way...”

2. Anne Twomey, a professor of constitutional law at the University of Sydney, says this: “It is very clear that political parties are not illegal under the constitution...”

3. Professor Graeme Orr of the University of Queensland (an expert in electoral law) says Bosi’s claim that “the elector must directly elect their representative” has no bearing on the existence of political parties. Professor Orr explained and said the following in response to Bosi's claims: “The term "directly chosen" simply means there must be an election with the names of possible MPs on the ballot...”


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