"Circling the Wagons"

10 months ago

Why do we have rezoning efforts, it's my land and why can't I build on it what I want. Why should some short guy tell me what I can do with my forest? I'm still getting my taxes raised by the County Commissioners. I love this county or at least I used to, retirement has been the same since we bought a Horse Farm.

Bumbling Biden: Word Vomit on the World Stage, God was never this hard to understand, when speaking from the Burning Bush to Moses, plus he never used a cue card either. President Biden protecting illegal aliens from predators or wait, not true, he is protecting them from actual America Border Patrol, Rio Grande river.

The word "Husband" can now be misunderstood, Domestic Partner no longer means that a woman is speaking about her male mate or does it. Now, men can state they missed their Husbands, too. Now, it is cool to be Gay and IRS whistleblower gives that phase a new meaning.

Did she know about her Friends, possible Fraud, or Fear of being convicted for what is coming. Members of the Medical Community know that someone is going down in this investigation, I'm resigning now on my terms. Guess What? You b$@&hes catch me later, thank you Hines Farms, medical malpractice lawsuits will hunt you down, you know they know and the walls are closing in on YOU.

Just like Onslow County, it pays to be a protester or just a crooked politician. Antifa protesters awarded millions of dollars for the Summer Riots in New York. Destroy property and get away with murder of the structures, "Where are my Bricks?"

"Circling the Wagons" used to be a Democrat term, but now we see it being used by our local GOP. Whining officials not getting their way, until now, here comes "Nonpartisan Joe '' with our local GOP Chair using her superpowers to go "Back to the Future ''. Now, we're going back to a time once again, where the Precincts have no voice or voting power. All for the greater good of having our attendance go up at our GOP meetings.

Stacking the Deck under the disguise of it all politics. Ensuring the winning hand isn't held only by friendly friends, but one that can vote only the way I demand. No one will remove me from power, sleight of hand in the shadows in the back storeroom deals. I will remain Queen of the Wine Festival as long as I don't slur my words or remember promises made.

Crunch Munch! It's the Left version eating its own in censoring free speech. Don't ever speak ill of our demitted president. Don't point at the real trouble, look, it's Trump's fault...Trump, Trump, Trump. COVID was good for our Reset Goals.

You hold my Bill up, I will hold all of the Legislative Bills up. Not only in Washington, D.C, but here in Raleigh, NC. Medical Mary Jane vs Kidney Transplants deals to be made in the early morning chambers with echoing effects of distortion and deceit.

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