The Trail in the woods

3 years ago

Young men are leaving the church at an alarming rate.
They are also being starved of the challenge and adventure, of the common call of all men, to explore the woods of God’s creation. A once undeveloped world is now carpeted in cement…and expanding. Although youth leaving the church after high school may be nothing new, the effect it is taking is unmistakable. Mothers with children have become the backbone of many churches as dad stays home, plays golf, hunts, does chores, watches TV, plays video games, or just sleeps in.

The thirst for adventure, that God designed in all men, continues to be an unmet need in many church experiences. Furthermore, those men who do return to church later on in life often feel inadequate in training up their sons. The need for young men to receive instruction from their fathers (whether biological or spiritual) prior and just after leaving high school has never been more important. How can fathers give something to tomorrow’s future men that they, themselves, have never received? More importantly, how will young men receive it if they simply aren’t intrigued by the subject of faith and are intimidated by the sheer volume of the Bible? As I have often heard the question from those I’ve had the blessing to disciple, “Where do I start to read the Bible?” I have always wanted to answer this question with an invitation: “Would you like to go on an adventure?” The Trail In The Woods was designed as a gift to sons to watermark their journey of manhood. This short read points to scripture as it also provides survival techniques for life in the woods. A study guide section follows each subject for a more interactive approach to discovery learning.

Nothing can replace the word of God, but The Trail points to the only resource that answers the questions, “Who am I, and what must I know as I daily enter the woods of this life?” Equal parts literary and earthy, this book engages both the academic as well as the outdoorsman in all of us while directing us to the best reference on manhood the world has ever known: its Creator.

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