Fact Checkers for Congress

2 years ago

Do you trust any Fact Checkers.? How about Fact Checkers that are used by the Progressivist Left and Right Establishment.??
The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is DC's Fact Checkers.
They are definitely slanted to help the Establishment feigning as a research service...!!!
Again, if you want the facts, it is always best to learn to research the subject yourself... instead of someone else's bias on any subject.
This Arkansas Representative from Bentonville, Rep McCollum goes through the supposedly damning report the CRS put out on Article V amendments conventions.
The Opposers only use the parts of the report that support their sad "opinion"... and Rep McCollum cites the conclusion of the actual report.
How about discussing the argument in full context.??
Or does that deflate your conflation against Article V facts.?

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