Screams Of Terror Erupt Over Tarantula Found On Woman's Head

2 years ago

When a group of Canadian tourists ventured to Ecuador to spend a week in the Amazon rainforest, they were prepared to meet some of the world's most feared creatures, including caimans, snakes, and giant spiders like this tarantula. But what they didn't expect was to find one of them casually hitching a ride on their head.

Tammy, Kristy, and a few other women in the group went into a bathroom at the location where they were meeting the tour bus. They had just gotten off the motor canoe and it was time to move on to the next leg of their journey. As Tammy finished up in the bathroom and went to the sink to wash her hands, Kristy told her that there was a gigantic spider on her hat, right above her face. Tammy looked in the mirror and saw the beast looking back at her. Although spiders like this one don't attack people, the shock of finding one so close to her face sent Tammy into shrieks of terror.

Seeing the big spider, the rest of the bathroom erupted as Tammy flung the hat off and jumped back to escape. The poor spider was probably ready to scream as well because it was probably more scared than all of them. The guides quickly entered the bathroom, picked up the hat and the spider and brought it out to the foliage in the garden area. This is a bird eating tarantula, one of the largest spiders in the Amazon, and they can deliver a nasty bite if handled improperly.

These guides have handled the situation very well, reminding everyone that these fearsome beasts deserve to be left in peace. Although it was best to remove the spider from the bathroom, it serves an important function in nature and it was sensible for many reasons to carefully and gently set it free. For Tammy, the experience is one that will never be forgotten.

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