The Messiah: Prophecy Fulfilled

2 years ago

The Messiah: Prophecy Fulfilled

The Messiah - Prophecy Fulfilled is a dramatic and moving story of how Nick Mancuso who plays Rabbi Yehudaha as a first century Pharisee becomes a follower of Yeshua (Jesus) of Nazareth. After following and studying Yeshua (Jesus), the Rabbi knows with out a doubt that Yeshua is the Son of the living God that has come to fulfill all the prophecies relating to the Messiah's coming which was foretold by the prophets. He was filled with the Holy Spirit and in the midst of much opposition and persecutions, Rabbi Judah zealously embarks on a journey to share the Good News with the people of Israel. On the Feast of Passover and Unleavened Bread, precisely one year after the crucifixion, the burial and the resurrection of the Messiah, Rabbi Judah traveled to his hometown to observe a Passover Seder with his family who lived near Jerusalem. Now his greatest challenge is to convince his loved ones that the long awaited salvation through the Messiah Son of David has finally come. When Rabbi Yehudaha arrived at his parents home, there was a mix of feelings by his family. Some where glad to see him and others did not want him there. During the observance of Passover, Rabbi Yehudah and his family share a Seder meal in a traditional Passover sitting. Rabbi Yehudah in a superb teaching explains in detail how the Seder itself, as well as the prophecies written in the Torah have been fulfilled in Yeshua (Jesus). However, during the teaching the Rabbi is challenged by two of his younger brothers for his acceptance of Yeshua as the Messiah.

You will want to experience first hand how this first century Jewish believer shared the Gospel with his brethren who are the “lost sheep” of the House of Israel before the completion of the New Testament.

Easter has nothing to do with Yeshua (Jesus) and it has everything to do with Pagan Sun-God worship, which YHWH has commanded us not to follow. Pagan Holidays have been and still are intertwined into Christianity that we forget their origins and we think we are observing/celebrating them to the glory of God. When YHWH sees us partaking in these pagan rituals under the guise of His Worship, all He sees is the child sacrifices, the abominations and sexual perversions that these pagan rituals consisted of. He does not see our love and worship for Him.


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