sea ​​monster: kraken

2 years ago

Do you know Kraken?

In Norse legends a terrible sea monster attacked ships in the Norwegian Sea, several descriptions were given by navigators about the monster, but always being associated with gigantic forms superior to the size of islands with several arms.

With the help of popular imagination, the Kraken as it was once determined from the Latin words Crack = break and Aquém = Aqueous (of the nature of water), took the form of a squid or octopus, with 100 arms and the size of an island. medium. Unlike what was said among navigators, the Kraken did not attack all ships, in Norse tales it only attacked ships that polluted the sea and pirate ships (That's why the fear of pirates when hearing the name of the Kraken in the movie Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man's Chest produced by Disney Studios).

But if we compare this legend with real monsters? Nowadays it is known that a new species of Squid called Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni, but popularly known as "Colossal Squid" exists, can exceed 14 meters in length, little is known about the behavior of this animal, but it is believed that they live at a depth of 2,200 meters and when young at 1,000 meters. This animal has its common enemy, the Sperm Whale (Physeter macrocephalus), where the first records of this animal were due to found beaks and tentacles of these animals still inside the sperm whales.

Is that you? Do you believe the Kraken exists? Leave your opinion in the comments!

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