Dr Kory: 多國有實質數據,大規模使用伊維菌素,已成功根除新冠病毒!Many countries have valid datas proved IVERMECT!N eliminates Cov!d successfully!

2 years ago

Dr Kory (國際醫學教授中的教授,美國醫科大學教科書作者) : 政苦盲目順從於逆苗公司的利益,決策不斷失敗。貪腐的"顧問專家 " 缺乏科學、醫學基礎知識,是反科學、反邏輯!日本、墨西哥、阿根廷、印度及其他國家有實質數據。大規模使用伊維菌素,已成功根除新冠病毒!政苦衛生部門勾結逆苗生產商、製藥公司。主流霉體被收買,打壓信息,歪曲事實真相!The G0V'T blindly submits to the interests of the Va666ine Company. Corrupted "expert advisors" lack basic scientific and medical knowledge. Japan, Mexico,Argentina, India and other countries have valid datas proved IVERMECT!N eliminates Cov!d successfully. G0V'T Health Departments colluded with vaccine and pharmaceutical companies. Ma!nstream med!as are paid for suppressing informat!on and distorting the truth! (Dr. P!erre K0ry - Ex Chief of Medical Director - Trauma and Life Support Center- Un!versity of W!scons!n. 威斯康星大學 前醫療總監 (創傷與生命支持中心) 國際教學醫師-醫學院教科書作者 - 教育部-超聲波的世界先驅)

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