Dr David Martin Exposes The Entire Corrupt SCAMdemic - A Criminal Conspiracy To Maim and Kill?

2 years ago

We are all becoming aware as the truth comes out that the pandemic was created to kill the population - to be used as a tool to usher the world into The Great Reset/NWO. Dr. Martin does a fabulous job of exposing all of this and he also did a fantastic job exposing Canada's Crime Minister Justin Trudeau and his financial stake in the deadly Covid vaccines. Links are below. Source of this video ~ RedVoiceMedia.com
Trudeau ordered 10 Vaccines for Every Canadian! The company in question is Acuitas Therapeutics. The company is paid a royalty for every shot. It is alleged the Trudeau Foundations owns 40% of the common stock.
Here's the 2 new videos done by Dr. David E. Martin on Feb 11/2022 regarding Trudeau and his ties to the vaccines:
Feb 11/2022 ~ URGENT Update From Dr. David Martin for the Canadian Truckers Regarding Trudeau/Canada's Financial Stake in the Covid Vaccines
Feb 11/2022 ~ Breaking: (Stew Peters Interview) - Criminal Canadian Monopoly Dr. David Martin Exposes Why Trudeau Won't Back Down to The Truckers Convoy Anytime Soon
Dr David Martin discusses the University of British Columbia’s role in developing the lipid nano-particle technology used to deliver the spike proteins in the jab, as well as Justin Trudeau’s financial stake in his self-proclaimed “pathway to the new normal”. This is an excerpt from Vaccine Choice Canada’s webinar August 18th 2021. He alleges that Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau violated international biological weapons treaties, engaged in racketeering, collusion, federal restraint of trade violations, market allocation, antitrust violations, and reckless – if not willful – mass homicide.
Dr David Martin’s credentials:
Trudeau Recently Sold the mRNA Patents to China for $500M USD - Trudeau may have won the lottery. Chinese firm buys Canada mRNA Covid vaccine tech in $500 million deal - Total deal Hundreds of Billions of US Dollars Cash.
Trudeau, Freeland, Tam Corruption and More! Check this Out!
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