River mouth fanstatic lateral view

2 years ago

In this video I recorded the river mouth from a lateral prospective as you can see.

I'm quite distance compared to the previous two videos (link below) where I was very close to the estuary.

Here you have a differente angle, and you can even contemplate the sky full of clouds, as well as the sound of the motion of the river.

Enjoy guys!

See you soon 🌊

Part 1: https://rumble.com/vuo7cf-estuary-of-the-river-fantastic-view-and-sounds.html?mref=x7l4l&mc=1pruv

Part 2: https://rumble.com/vuo7s7-estuary-of-the-river-part-2.html?mref=x7l4l&mc=1pruv

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