Cellular Responses to Graphene Oxide Sheets.

2 years ago

Graphene Oxide health hazards in relation to oxidative stress, cytotoxicity and inflammation have been raised in scientific symposiums as early as 2016. Video “Cellular Responses to Graphene Oxide Sheets”

In this video, Dr. Sandra Vranic from the Nanomedicine Lab Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences & National Graphene Institute University of Manchester, UK gives a presentation titled “Cellular Responses to Graphene Oxide Sheets” Effect of Lateral Dimension and the Oxidative Stress Paradigm.

They conducted tests on graphene-oxide and its effects on human cells. Specifically, it was a dosage finding study to see how much graphene-oxide they can put in a human body before it becomes toxic. The chart of measurement used shows three tiers: an anti-oxidant reaction, an inflammatory reaction and a cytotoxicity reaction. See chart below for screen shots of the presentation.
“This (Covid Vaccine Campaign) is essentially a dose finding study. They rushed this thing out to see how much of this they can put into people before they die. Remember we’re supposed to get boosters, graphene-oxide boosters every six months to see how much they can build up in the system”

From “Deadly Shots! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in Covid Vaccine”

The video from the CLINAM conference gives credit to the Graphene Flagship for the study.

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