Life Through African Eyes Ep.1

2 years ago

The pandemic taught me how easy it is to lose your voice, and how victimised we become when we can't express that voice. We empathised with Australians, Europeans, Americans and Canadians because we could see life through their eyes. It united us to fight a common abusive enemy. But was that true of the experience of Africans? Could we see the world through the eyes of Africans? have we become acculturated to casually overlooking their viewpoint? I'm going to remedy that with a series on 'Life through African eyes' #LTAE
As we awaken we need to change our perspectives and see the world from multiple perspectives. It was the muting of humanity through censorship by the Regressives that nearly did for us all. We cannot do that to each other. Africans, Asians, others must be unmuted too.
Please share your thoughts as we go forward into a new world with a higher, more human energetic resonance. That is how we win this thing.

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