WOW! POWERFUL! Freedom Talk 5 - Dr. Tom Cowan Dr. Andy Kaufman Dr. Stefan Lanka 72777

2 years ago

I'm telling you, these guys are even more concise and honed to revealing even MORE truth than ever. ALWAYS something new, ALWAYS a new perspective, ALWAYS a new Revelation which brings us closer to reality and demolishes the false paradigm and the players who push it, INCLUDING who those in the truth movement who are the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION and HOW YOU CAN TELL they are. (BTW, this requires at least one properly functioning average brain cell to accomplish - otherwise, don't bother, because this will go right over your head and you'll end-up confused and angry.)

Witness history right here, these are the people hammering the final nails in the coffin of the FRAUD called "Germ/Virus Theory"



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