Church Under Attack Pt. 4: The Religion of Science

2 years ago

Scientists claim that we are a small insignificant planet in a small insignificant galaxy spiraling through an ever-expanding Universe. So, where does that leave us? Why would God create man in His own image, die for all of mankind, and seemingly create everything for us if we are so insignificant? How do these Scientific facts compare with Biblical facts? Join Reverend Kenny Yates as he compares Scripture and science to understand our place in the Universe in his video, Church Under Attack Pt. 4: The Religion of Science.

Verses Used:
Matthew 16:18
Psalm 104:5–9
Hebrews 1:1-3
Acts 17:28
Genesis 1:14–18KJV
Isaiah 44:24
Psalm 19:1–6
Psalm 102:25
Isaiah 11:12
Luke 21:28

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