Corrupt Governments, arranged Diseases and why a Soul rejects Love ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

2 years ago

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Corrupt Governments, arranged Diseases & Why a Soul rejects Love

May 16, 2016 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began... The Lord’s aching heart is calling out to us today, Heartdwellers. He’s with us. And He’s sharing His burden with His Bride.

'Lord, you have held me so tenderly and let me into Your heart. Your pain is so intense. It is a profound aching and longing to love those who have rejected you.'

Jesus began... “My heart is yours, Clare. It is your abode, your dwelling place, your eternal place of rest and joy. Transforming you from glory to glory. Always moving upward like the flames of fire consuming all the dross and moving upward perpetually.

“My heart is a furnace for all of mankind. It is at times a place of torment when I see so many rejecting My Love and going the way of perdition.”

(Clare) If only they could experience Your Love, Lord!

(Jesus) “I have tried, but the pain of My light and My love is excruciating and they turn away from it.”

(Clare) But how does that happen? How can that be? Your Love is so warm and comforting, secure, reassuring and oh, so very sweet. How can they turn away? Truly I don’t understand it.

(Jesus) “It begins with pain inflicted on a soul, mostly very, very, young and helpless as children. The pain of violence, neglect, abuse, misunderstanding, rejection. Bitterness sets in like a cancer and eats away the soul. Then, any overture of love becomes a threat, ‘Oh no, I’ll have nothing to do with that.’ Then it begins to spiral downwards until they are absolutely convinced that love is evil.”

“Do you remember the experience of the Christian man who was exposed to dark matter with several others?”

(Clare) Yeah… This man was a Christian, and they were isolated in a cell. All the other people, who were not Christians, went totally bonkers and crazy – just expressing all kinds of ugly things.

(Jesus) “He was the only one who could control himself – and at that, only by focusing on Me the entire time, with superhuman effort, which of course was My grace.”

(Clare) Yes, Lord. I remember that. He said that they actually found pleasure in beating one another up and doing lewd and disgusting things. It felt good to vent, to indulge, to let themselves go wild without the usual moral restraints.

(Jesus) “Well, what I am saying here, there is relief in violence, there’s a catharsis.”


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