405 and 410lb deadlifts

2 years ago

Deadlift day part one:

Actually it was a MONSTER deadlift day! How cool that its also Halloween? LOL...

So between RDLs (Romainian Deadlifts) and sumo deads, I cranked out 20, yes, 20 sets of deads! Took nearly 2 hours but I gots'er done!

This here is sets 8 and 9, one rep each with my last weeks max PR 405, then upped the anti to 410x1

Its been a long few months working up to 4plates and beyond, can't rush it when you're only a few months shy of 60yrs old (fk me, 60????? REALLY? I'm gonna go have a good cry right now :'( )

Check out part 2 in this series as I go for 415 and 420!!

Thanks for watching!

Stay hungry, stay strong!

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