Thank you to Isaac & Beal for defending freedom!

3 years ago

Here’s the thing, we all have different perspectives.
But when it comes to defending freedom - it’s not complicated if we don’t complicate it.

Simple truths are simple.

When I’m asked about the Covid shots my personal bias, experience, preference & platform leads me to include specifics about bioweapons, globalists agendas, evil elites carrying out methods of mass depopulation, MSM lies, faulty premises, manipulative narratives, Big Tech censorship, the stolen election, nefarious efforts to suppress truth about Ivermectin and other proven treatment protocols, and the heartless design to steer people to hospitals where deadly treatment measures are demanded by global elites with absolute intent to murder as many people as possible!

That’s my perspective, and sharing these truths with others is how I feel convicted that I can make the biggest impact for freedom.

But the reasons people give are secondary, and completely up to the individual.

The only thing that truly matters is a commitment to defend the rights of all of us to make our own decisions for our health & the health of our families, without the tyrannical overreach of government hovering over every thing we do!

Stand up, speak out, and defend that foundational truth in order for individual freedoms to survive.

Sometimes lighting the fuse of all your truth bombs at the same time can actually have the opposite desired impact on others, as it could distract them from the simple truth —Defend Individual Freedom

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