God Said

3 years ago

God Said: I will make life out of desolate places. I will make rivers in the wastelands. God said He would be our Living Water. God said He would lead us as a Navigator. Streams in the wilderness. Can He? Yes, He can. He absolutely can! God spoke the world into being and has maintained it every single day since then. His faithfulness to us is like no other. God is trustworthy. His Word is absolute truth. His Supremacy is pure, without even a hint of corruption. His love is abundant and flows unconditionally without a speck of prejudice. Everything God said will not be returned void. Believe it! In times such as these where our soul is parched, and we live in a worldly wilderness, without compassion, common sense, or civility, Our Awe GOD, He is an Oasis for our soul, heart to heart. When we are wandering around lost, alone without directional wisdom in this cancel God culture, we need the clarity of God’s revelation. In these times, where right is wrong and wrong is right, where wounded people are wounding people, it is clear, yes, we know exactly how much we need God. We are one human race and we have the same human condition. We, human race, we can’t make it through until the end, without Him. As people whose human authority has corrupted absolutely, as people scratch and claw their way to the top of the power chain, trying to possess illegitimate supremacy over others, these deplorable human beings leave behind death, pain, horrific sorrow and grief that consumes the human race as our soul laments. There is no doubt about it. We need God. And there is no doubt about it, He is mighty, righteous, trustworthy and has been faithful throughout all time as our Deliverer, Savior, Redeemer, Navigator and Provider. God said He is a God of justice. If God said this, then we wait for it…patiently endure, believe, trust and stretch our faith, knowing He will finish what He started and finish it well. God Said! Therefore, we Hope in God. God bless ya. Dig Deeper: https://thebridegroomscafe.com/godly-wisdom/

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