Billie Beene E1-200 President Trump Soon!/SEC Closed!/Operation Revival!

2 years ago

There was a report coming out on Beforeitsnews in reference to Canada where it was reported that the U.N. is going to go door-to-door to do pharma for the arm. This cannot be true because God, the Alliance, President Trump have put into place a provisional Prime Minister named Romana Didulo. As soon as President Trump is installed as the 19th President of the Republic of the United States, elections will be held in Canada for the Prime Minister moving forward. Provisional Prime Minister Romana Didulo has put in place to prevent the U.N. from coming into Canada. So, the stories about the U.N. being there is possibly the U.S. military instead.

Paul Begley and Mike From Around World are reporting about fire clouds coming down as lightening strikes in the area of Vancouver Canada.

SheriRaye recently reported about the 750 dead bodies of children that were found in Canada recently in unmarked graves. She is now saying +200 to that number. Another report from a patriot in Canada is saying this number is now up to 1300. It is being reported that 110 formerly orphanages are going to be checked out for additional children's dead bodies. They will be using deep penetrating radar to look for bodies. They suspect that there will be a lot more bodies discovered.

It is being reported that the McAfee data was given to the White Hats. The Dead Man's Switch was info dumped to the public. The building that went down in Florida came from the Space Force directed by an energy weapon and there is no body recovery. This was all a cover.

Billie has much more she is reporting on and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

God, Bible, Frog News. SheriRaye,
Paul Begley - Breaking: "Fire Clouds In Canada" The MAP / Mike From Around World / Paul Begley
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Richard Citizen Journalist - 7/1/21 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in DC Closed until September???


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