2 years ago

Posting more videos soon!
Pls watch all my videos to understand our reality today.

Busting 5 myths in 1 single video!!
For those who have called their friends conspiracy theorists, you have some Apologizing to do so call them up!!

1- CHEMTRAILS contain many harmful chemicals from aluminum to fiber glass which coats our lungs... don’t believe it? Have your body analyzed!
They also contain nanotech that self assemblies inside any living thing, from plants and fruits to inside any insect no matter how small it is. Even a flea or tick has them. They suck the life source from every cell and feed off of FEAR and negative feelings. Peace and prayer (not aimless meditation, pondering yes) are key as well.

2- NANOROBOTS. This tech has been around since the 60’s and sprayed on us worldwide. The purpose was to make everyone sick and detach our spirits by suffocating it through technology like cell phones and tv from our bodies. This is where quantum computers and data centers built around the world come into place. Smart meters and everything that can track your movement or harvest your brain data w patent with a triple 6 in it, you must get rid of it!

3- Morgellons decease. Ask your doctor about this ASAP! If ignorant then show them the video! Doctors have a LOT OF HOMEWORK TO DO. They’ve been indoctrinated not EDUCATED. Very few scientists and doctors have the brain and heart to admit they have been lied to and that they should have used their power of discernment when something didn’t feel right. Peer reviewed stories are A MARKETING TOOL big pharma uses for those who are too trusting or lazy to seek TRUTH.

4- CONSPIRACY THEORY ONLY... No, more like factual evidence. Conspiracy realist would be a more accurate term. Yes, we do exist. And the things we know OUR SPIRITS RECOGNIZE THEM TO BE TRUTH BECAUSE WE ARE THE CHOSEN ONES. Re-connect and ask of Our Father in Heaven for sacred revelation and IT SHALL BE GIVEN TO YOU. Religious or not, we are ALL CELESTIAL BEINGS having a terrestrial experience. Everything we do is of eternal consequence so choose well. Angels are around you trying to deliver a message from above every single day. OPEN YOUR HEART and see with your celestial eyes 💕

CANAANITES, Genesis 6:4!
Why are these things hidden from us?
What tech did they have then that corrupted all seed?

Here are some clues:

Cell tech and computers, wifi, etc are nothing new. They existed before.

Did you know the word “Cannibal” is derived from Canaan and Baal? Canaanites were nephilim giants, sons of fallen angels and human women (Genesis 6:4). Before the flood they were much bigger, and were destroying mankind, eating human flesh. Satan's plan was to taint all blood of mankind by mixing seed with beasts, nephilim, and mixing dna, so that Jesus Christ the Messiah couldn’t be born of pure human blood. That is why God destroyed the earth with the flood, and spared Noah because his blood was perfect still, not tainted. One of Noah's son's wives on the other hand is questionable. They'll be back, in great numbers, coming soon..


THE ORIGIN OF ALL TRUTH IS OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN. Seek our Savior for He is the only way to the Father 💕

It’s NEVER TOO LATE to find your path home to the presence of Heavenly Father and our Savior. 💕💕💕💕


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Let’s elevate our intellect. They have dumbed down society w tv and apps and by contaminating our food and water w pesticides and fluoride.

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