The Missing Part of the 1619 Project

3 years ago

The New York Times has published a racist history of the U.S. based on critical race theory. It holds that the Revolutionary War was fought to preserve slavery. Slavery made the U.S. wealthy. The U.S. original sin was racism. Our culture is built on racism and it is an unchangeable part of our society.

The 1619 Project is based on CRT, cultural Marxist critical race theory - only white racism matters and it is systemic in the U.S. It maintains that all blacks are victims (still slaves) and all white people are privileged oppressors (still masters). So there must be monetary and socialized atonement. This theory denigrates the black person as one who is unable to take responsibility for themselves and make their own success. The 1619 Project is a racist document.

What is completely missing from the 1619 Project is the fact that the entire African slave business was run by Muslims and each slave was the result of jihad.
If you'd like to know more about Islam and slavery, read The Doctrine of Slavery - An Islamic Institution

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