Galaxy Federation of UFO Light !

3 years ago

The Galaxy NF Federation flying saucer from 30 years ago, according to the latest news coming from all over the planet in different places such as Switzerland, Russia, Italy, Colombia, Nigeria, New Zealand and South Korea. The UFO Magazine published a fascinating article entitled Shadows of the Universe in which the Galaxy Federation was under the command of Astron and Crawling aliens for fear of being destroyed by the Space Shuttle fleet's large fleet of conquest and destruction. The human race discarded on May 21, 2019 in Antarctica a team of researchers Hypnosis-related collision with human-like luminous creatures announcing themselves as Galactic Federation of Light On July 5, 2018 at the Swiss Alps Swiss climbers reported seeing a rhythmic space ship and thousands in Western Europe hunting The flying saucer was announced today to be behind the scenes of the world's 2 ruled by a galactic federation of light and second by the alien snake galaxy government.

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