Billie Beene E 1-182 Alien Disclosure by a Redneck Part 18 Antarctica/Orion

2 years ago

In this report by Billie, she is stressing that some of the sources she is tapping into tell their story as though humans 2.0 are created by aliens. She stresses that we have to fall back on our base belief system and the Bible to know that Yahweh is the one true Creator of mankind. Yes, we know that some of the fallen angels came down and mated with women of the flesh and the offspring were the Nephilim.

The Nephilim are still with us to this day. Some have been found in caves. Back to humans 2.0. Billie tells us that those who are telling this story of humans 2.0 have been brainwashed and they do not know any better. She says we can glean from what they share with us and learn bits and pieces of their knowledge but always fall back on our basic beliefs and the Bible to know that it is Yahweh who created mankind and not ET.

Billie has much more she is reporting on and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

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