Matt Walsh Is Wrong. Track Is Not A Sport.

3 years ago

Matt Walsh, when addressing the males competing in women's track under the guise of being "transgender," was completely wrong in claiming that track is a sport. Sports need competition and exertion. In track, the success of one player is irrelevant to the success of the others. Each player could be on a different continent, or doing the track on a different day of the week. They are doing an activity next to each other. Real sports require the participants to have opposing goals. Tackling and blocking are real competition because the players interact. One might as well call hot dog eating a sport if track is considered one. Eating hot dogs is strenuous and requires training like track, and the players try to achieve a goal right next to each other. The problem is that the success or failure of one does not impact the other at all. They are not truly competing, and a person who claims to support objective reality must acknowledge this fact. I am also on Odysee, which uses cryptocurrency to decentralize video usage in a very unique way.

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