UPC2021: Economy and Entrepreneurship - Octavian Baban

2 years ago

This is the first session of Universal Peace Conference 2021 (UPC2021) with Siddhant Rishi Prabhakar and Octavian Baban. First it starts with 20min individual speeches followed by a Q and A session.

Octavian Baban
Age : 39

Country: Romania

Octavian Baban is a performance coach, trainer, user of the Seed System, and founder of the Seed System Coaching. He considers himself a catalyst for change, working with professionals from different industries, helping them learn and apply the new-ancient principles for creating specific results. He is an engineer by profession. The Seed System has been a key part of his work for the last 8 years. This system provides a clear method for solving problems in any area of life. It is based on the imperturbable truth that everything that happens to us comes from the way we treat those around us. Moreover, it provides a clear explanation of how what we do to others is stored in the form of a seed in our minds. This seed grows in the mind and then determines the things and people we see around us. If we learn the method by which to plant and care for the right seeds, then we have the power to manifest in our lives, any dream we want. The official training in the seed system he began in 2017 at Sedona College of International Management. This system, which was conceived as a way to recognize the universal nature of these great ideas and make the ideas usable as “The Diamond Cutter Seed System”, a methodical system for leadership and success among governments, corporations, entrepreneurs, and other professionals around the world.

Website: diamondsystem.ro and seedsystemcoaching.com

For more information visit the website http://sunyoga.info/upc/​​

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