The Weekly Energy Foresight For May 1-2, 2021

2 years ago

🔮 May 1-2, 2021

☕ Three Of Cups
It is time to celebrate! But don't do it alone!
Pick a few friends that can share your enthusiasm and exuberant mood with!
Let them sing your praises and keep your spirits high this week to honor a job well done!
We knew you could do it!

End-Week ~ 1-2

🎉 Observances:
1 - Beltane
- May Day
- Orthodox Holy Saturday
- Global Love Day
- National Mother Goose Day
2 - Orthodox Easter
- National Lemonade Day
- World Tuna Day
- World Laughter Day
#betane #mayday #orthodoxholysaturday #globalloveday #nationalmothergooseday #orthodoxeaster #nationallemonadeday #worldtunaday #worldlaughterday


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