What is delaying the Rapture ?... There are 3 Groups of Christians ❤️ Love Letter from Jesus

2 years ago

Text & Audio of Video Content & Related Messages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2016/04/27/jesus-erklart-was-verzogert-die-entruckung-jesus-explains-whats-delaying-the-rapture/
Final Warnings from Jesus... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/2019/11/15/warnungen-von-gott-jesus-jehova-zebaoth-warnings-from-god-jesus-jehovah-zebaoth/
Instructions for the Left Behind... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/jesus-gives-instructions-for-the-left-behind/
Love Letters from Jesus in various Languages... https://jesus-comes.com/index.php/liebesbriefe-von-jesus-love-letters-from-jesus/
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Source... Sister Clare's full Teachings in english... http://www.heartdwellers.org

Jesus explains…
This is, what is delaying The Rapture & The 3 Groups of Christians

April 24, 2016 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

Clare began… The Lord bless us with a teachable spirit and an open heart. I, just like everyone else have been struggling with what looks like a word on the timing of the rapture.

It has deeply troubled me that there is still no sign of the Lord’s coming according to what He has told me. I had a very heavy burden for it all day today. So, when I came into prayer, I was aching inside and I felt the Lord was going to speak to me about this very topic. And He did! Here’s what transpired.

Lord, what am I to tell them? I am responsible before You for every word and I am not feeling the urgency. There is again a lull in my sense of imminence of you coming for us. Please, what am I to tell them?

Jesus began… “Tell them to stop praying for their relatives. Tell them to stop praying for their country. Tell them to stop praying for the world. Then I will come much sooner.

“Am I to ignore the believers that fast and pray and gather together, praying for the nation? Am I to turn a deaf ear to My People when they humble themselves and turn to Me? (2 Chronicles 7:14)

“It’s just that simple as that, Clare. If you are in such a hurry to be raptured, then stop praying.”

(Clare) Lord the way I see it, forgive me if I’m wrong, there are three kinds of believers…
1. The ‘weary-in-well-doing’, the bridesmaids that fell asleep, but are still waiting for your return.
2. Then, the ‘true lovers’, who also are waiting and longing, but are doing all in their power to bring all mankind to You. Their lamps are still full. They are the ones who are holding back the Rapture, even though they look like the ones who can’t wait anymore.
3. And finally, those who have been born again, but are busy in the world and don’t want to hear about Your coming. Is this your thinking or mine?

(Jesus) “It is Mine. I have put these thoughts in your mind, so I could help you see where you stand before Me.

“The ones who are anxious and in a hurry for Me to come have not conquered their flesh yet. They are wavering, growing weary and even falling asleep. Their lamps are empty. They react badly when I am delayed, to the point of wanting to give up and fall in with the rest of the world. Not at all concerned about the lost, they do not see. Yes, they give lip service and pray, but they’d rather be raptured now than suffer any more for the sake of the millions who are yet unsaved.

“They do not see as I see, think as I think, nor feel as I feel. Many on our channel are this way. My Brides, I love you, but you must see yourselves in My mirror if what is left of your life is truly an offering to Me.

“The ones who are in the forefront of ministry, working hard while the day yet dawns, they are My Lovers. They are the very ones who will be Raptured, even against their will on a certain level. They are so in love with Me and dedicated to My agenda that they pray for the nation and the world, EXPECTING Me to hear them and grant leniency and mercy. These are the ones I am eager to have with Me in Heaven. They are the Bridesmaids with lamps full of oil.


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