YUEN Method® for Dummies - Hangin' with Sheldon

3 years ago

None of us - became believers overnight. Many of us “Sheldons” struggled for a time with these RIGHT BRAIN concepts - which were the opposite of our (technical) LEFT-BRAIN worlds and careers.

We had to be shown, over and over – throwing away what we thought we knew – before our own (new) experiences & realizations & insights – forced a hard reset. The Science of Immediate Results.

Website Article: http://www.nowenergetics.com/yuen-method/explaining-yuen-method-to-sheldon-cooper/

My Websites:
NowEnergetics.com - http://www.nowenergetics.com​ - based on Yuen Method
The Power Of Neutrality® - http://www.thepowerofneutrality.com

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