Half Life 2 Walkthrough No Commentary Part 17

3 years ago

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BitChute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/bR5wDdIHqwlg/

Odysee: https://odysee.com/half-life-2-part-17:f52006bab36422f36e1509afc5079eb5ea28a47f

Chapter 12: Our Benefactors
This chapter details Gordon's infiltration in the Citadel. It is also a playground for the newly charged Gravity Gun, having many Combine Soldiers and Elites to battle.After making his way into the Citadel through use of a Stalker pod, Gordon is caught in a Combine weapon confiscation field. This destroys most of his weapons except for the Gravity Gun, instead causing the field to malfunction and overcharge it.

Chapter 13: Dark Energy
The final chapter details the climactic confrontation between Wallace Breen, Gordon Freeman and the leaders of the Resistance.After being transported to Dr. Breen's office, Gordon is reunited with Eli Vance and Alyx Vance who are both being kept captive in Stalker pods as well. Dr. Breen tries once again to gain the allegiance of Eli, but after being refused, he prepares to send Gordon, Alyx, and Eli through a portal to the Combine Overworld.

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