Don't Fall For The Narrative - LIVE

3 years ago

Hurt people hurt other people. This is a sin problem. It has nothing to do with race. Evil people will always do evil things to innocent people. Blacks hurt blacks. Whites hurt whites. Asians hurt Asians. All of this happens everyday. Everywhere. It's always sad, and it is ALWAYS wrong. But by wearing race goggles, we now add the narrative that it is because we are this and because we are that... this narrative spreads the hate and fear outward.

We do have a huge Asian problem right now that no one is talking about. No news. No media. Millions of Asians are in Chinese concentration camps right now getting raped, tortured, and murdered for breathing the wrong way. Meanwhile Disney thanks them for filming Mulan next to that concentration camp.

If we want to stop AAPI from suffering unjustly, we need to free those enslaved people. That's where the real evil is right now. Everything else is smoke and mirrors.

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