You May Choose

3 years ago

You May Choose
(Album #14 on

You may choose but choices have their consequence
You may choose but your choices will make choices for you
You may choose to sin but it will lead to death
Yes my child, my child, you may choose

You may choose to worship other gods than Me
You may choose to persist in your idolatry
You may choose to take my holy name in vain
To call yourself a Christian, yet to live like Cain (refrain)

You may choose to defame my holy Sabbath day
And dishonor your parents with all you do and say
You may choose to kill and commit adultery
For your thoughts of lust and hatred cannot hide from Me (refrain)

You may choose to steal and you may choose to lie
You may choose to covet what I gave the other guy
You may choose to keep trusting in the ways of man
Or you may choose to repent and I will heal your land (refrain)

Yes my child, my child, you must choose

Copyright ©2020 Holy Spirit (via Paula Smith, Sep. 24)

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