Donald Trump Will Crush ANTIFA. VOTE!

3 years ago

"On a personal note: POTUS is why I became an American Woman. I naturalized because of Donald J. Trump. Naturally, I had always been down with the founding documents and the Founding Fathers. But because of Uncle Sam’s depredation and unjust wars, I wasn't feeling it.

Until ... Trump.

If I were I black commentator, I have no doubt this bit of information, divulged first in this column,
would have generated a greater interest in our conservative circles.

In any case, and very plainly, I urge you to consider my support for POTUS, in the context of my capacity as a longtime writer against war and against the state and for ordered liberty – a writer who also wrote a 2011 book about the demise of South Africa due to forces not dissimilar to those undermining America.

I anatomized that destruction of my homeland South Africa in "Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America from Post-Apartheid South Africa," so I know that this election is the tipping point for America. Those of us who lost a homeland recognize it. "


Ilana Mercer has been writing a weekly, paleolibertarian column since 1999. She’s the author of "Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa" (2011) & "The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (June, 2016). She’s currently on Gab, YouTube, Twitter & LinkedIn, but has been banned by Facebook.

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