The RPM Show "You Are of Your Father the Devil"

3 years ago

People under demonic possession and media control can be so adversely affected that they contract a deadly disease called Trump Derangement Syndrome which is contagious, not in the sense it spreads to others, you must be connected to the borg directly to contract, but in the sense that the DERANGEMENT spreads to others such as Trump supporters and all conservatives, to the point you want to silence them and if you can't, you want to KILL them. The damage the Deep State Luciferians, the Democrat Party, and the leftist propaganda mainstream media has done to this country can only be repaired by a miracle from God. It had to come to this appearing to be no hope so that God would get all the glory for our deliverance whether it be through saving this nation or calling us home in The Rapture, either way, Christians are to look forward to the day. Prayerfully, the Christians who are attached to the borg will need meaningful DEPROGRAMMING so that they do not desire to do harm to their fellowman because of the medias programming and false flag productions. God, please deliver us from EVIL. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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