Putting on the Yoke of God {S1; E5} (8/19/2018)

3 years ago

"When someone offends you, you feel hurt, but if you do not let it all go, you will be destroyed by your burden. Letting go won't always be easy, but it will always be beneficial. However, you need to know how to let go. In this video, I will go in depth into explaining why you must give your burden to God and what will happen. Watch and see how you can experience freedom and deliverance with God's yoke.
#RelianceonGod #TrialsAndStruggles #SpiritualHealing
This video was based off a corresponding blog post: https://jmyonemura.wixsite.com/jeremiah-home-site/single-post/2018/08/19/Putting-on-the-Yoke-of-God
Music: www.bensound.com
This would not have been possible if it was not for the Lord."

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