What is Bill Gates up to? Mandatory Vaccines, Microchips and Depopulation

4 years ago

Mark 5:26
And who had suffered much under many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse.

Follow me down the rabbit hole as we uncover what Gates' agenda really is. It's a sinister story involving pedophilia, ineffective vaccines, microchips and depopulation. I couldn't make this up if I tried. This is all hidden in plain sight.


#conspiracy #conspiracytheorist #billgates #pizzagate #pedogate #pedophelia #vaccine #mandatoryvaccianation #cdc #who #msm #mainstreammedia #coverup #covid #covid19 #epstein #epsteinisland #epsteinflightlogs #newworldorderagenda #newworldorder

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