13 Proven Ways To Get Thicker Hair In 30 Days

3 years ago

There are techniques that you can use to get longer and thicker hair within 30 days, and in today’s video, we will tell you what these techniques are. From maintaining a healthy diet to using the right hair products and more, stay tuned to find these are!

#HowToGetThickHair #HairTips #Bestie


1. Don’t Overuse Heat Styling Tools: It’s a well-known fact that using heat styling tools such as hair dryers or straighteners can significantly dry out your hair, leaving it brittle and dull.

2. Get your Hair trimmed: Yes, you heard it right. Regular trimming of hair can ensure fast hair growth. This happens because of excessive dirt and sun, the end of your hair usually gets damaged and rough, inducing split ends.

3. Eat Healthy: Healthy hair growth starts on the inside. You should make good edible choices to include iron rich foods like spinach, kale, chard, beans and tofu, all of which are great sources of iron as well as biotin and zinc.

4. Avoid Frequent Washing: To make your hair grow faster limit your hair washings. The essential oils in your scalp keep your hair healthy. When you wash your hair frequently, it can deplete these essential oils which can slow down hair growth.

5. Brush Your Scalp: You can brush your scalp with a wire bristle brush for longer hair faster. This will help stimulate the cells on your scalp and help promote hair growth!

6. Go Easy On The Shampoo: If you are in the habit of washing your hair with shampoo every other day, it is time you put a check on that habit.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

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