Study: Do this one thing to dramatically reduce your chances of developing Type 2 Diabetes Unlisted Video

4 years ago

Even if you have a family history of type 2 diabetes, a new study shows you can still reduce your risk for developing the disease.
An international team of experts on diabetes and heart health says you can do that by maintaining a healthy weight
A 1 kg/m squared reduction in BMI in non-overweight individuals reduced reduced the risk for developing type 2 diabetes by as much as 37%.
Body mass index, or BMI, is calculated by taking a person's weight in kilograms dividing it by their square of height in meters.
Obese individuals with a family history of the disease were also able to reduce their diabetes risk by 21 percent by reducing their BMI.
UPI reports as many as 30 million Americans have diabetes. Some 90 percent have type 2 diabetes.

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