4 Signs Of A Heart Attack In Women

5 years ago

If you are a woman and have these signs, you could be having a heart attack. Here are the unusual heart attack symptoms that all women should know about.

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When it comes to your health, there are certain symptoms that people experience but do not really think anything of. Some people experience certain signs or symptoms and think that they aren’t a big deal. For example, when nauseous, you would probably just assume you’re hungry or ate something bad, right? You probably wouldn’t associate such a common feeling with a heart attack. People tend to wait until they feel back to normal and completely ignore the fact that it may be something a little more serious.

According to health.com, an estimated 38,000 women that are under the age of 50 experience heart attacks every year in the U.S. The problem is, people can easily confuse heart trouble with other ailments, such as indigestion.

Many of us have learned about the typical symptoms of a heart attack such as experiencing sudden chest pains and/or pain in your arm, but according to experts, women can experience far less obvious signs of a heart attack compared to men. It’s really important to be aware of those less obvious signs and to see a doctor immediately. Ignoring certain signs and symptoms make the problem far worse. You may be sick or have a certain type of illness you don't even know about if you choose to ignore your symptoms. That's why you should always be aware of certain symptoms to look for in certain illnesses. In this video, we'll be talking about the unusual heart attack signs and symptoms women should look out for. So if you're a woman (or even if you're a man and have a female in your life who may present these symptoms), keep an eye out for these unusual signs.

How to prevent it: When this different kind of heart attack surfaces, the first instinct for some people is to panic. But you shouldn’t have to because there are ways to prevent it. To strengthen your heart I would include hawthorn into your diet. It will strengthen the cardiovascular system, maintain a healthy blood pressure level and lower your cholesterol. You can also try lemon balm. It will relieve restlessness and insomnia. All you need to do is add two teaspoons of lemon balm, some sweetener and lemon juice to a cup of hot water.

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