Inception Is Real: How Ads Are Showing Up in Our Dreams

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Companies want to put ads in your dreams. Yes, Inception is real.

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There’s a famous saying that goes, “The science of today will be the technology of tomorrow.” However, it seems that we’re so focused on the future of technology that the question of whether tech will control us is never seriously answered by the ones who are creating it. Companies are always pushing the boundaries of advertising, from subliminal marketing to listening in on our phone calls. Now, though, research shows they’re trying to find ways into our dreams. When does the future become a “dystopian nightmare”?

Technological advancements are also pushing the boundaries of going beyond the laws of physics with quantum computers operating in other dimensions, particle accelerator experiments, teleportation tests, and even time travel attempts. Scientists at CERN and other institutions are all working on this, but what are the repercussions of this work?

Then we have AI, which is now able to construct and build its own microchips. Engineers are scratching their heads at why the AI is designing them the way they are. What would happen if AI starts to self replicate? Could they take over different fields of technology and even influence the world? In many ways, it seems they already have. Join Ben Chasteen and Rob Counts on this Edge of Wonder live show as they break down the future of technology. At the end of the show, don’t miss the live Q&A followed by a meditation/prayer only on Rise.TV. See you out on the edge!

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