Adventurous Daredevil Jumps From 111 Feet Cliff Into Water

6 years ago

Watch this amazing video where this adrenaline-filled daredevil is captured as he sets out to jump from a cliff over 34 metres high in "gouffre de l'oeil du diable" in France. What madness!

The cameras capture how this brave boy's legs do not tremble to jump into the void and fall into a large well of water, which is at a considerable distance. In spite of being on a cliff so high that it would make anyone die of nerves, especially those terrified of heights and deep waters, this boy dared to jump to impress us. Not all of us were born to be extreme daredevils, but without a doubt the experience must be unique and amazing.

Just to see it is highly surprising, I don't imagine it feels like being in his shoes right at the moment he jumps, would you dare to jump? Maybe yes, or maybe not, but we hope that if you do, you'll share your video with us so that you'll also make our hair stand on end like this guy.

This guy's partner is positioned higher up the cliff to be able to record from a better angle, this way we can appreciate the fabulous jump in all its splendor. Thanks to this magnificent shot, you can feel your heart stop when that boy is thrown, you just can't stop seeing it!

For many life is just one and it's so short that they don't waste time doing everything they want, especially extreme things that can put their lives at risk; that's the idea, to challenge life and feel that we're alive with every experience and every adventure we embark on. Filling the body with adrenaline is the exciting way of living the day to day of many people, who are not afraid of anything and live each day to the fullest, counting and showing their exploits and the great guts they have, something that makes us tremble more than one but we still love to see.

This video not suitable for cardiac reminds us of the famous actor Will Smith, when he jumped from a parachute to more than 24,000 feet high (2,400 meters) in Skydive Dubai, so he could not sleep the night before, because he was too scared to think he would jump from such a great height, that idea took away his sleep, but after jumping, in an interview he told us the following:

"Everything up to the stepping out, there's actually no reason to be scared. It only just ruins your day. The best things in life are on the other side of terror. On the other side of your maximum fear are all of the best things in life.

"In one second, you realize it's the most blissful experience of your life"

So... Have you decided to jump? Well, don't forget to comment and give us your opinion about this amazing video you just saw. I invite you to give it "I like it" and share this memorable jump with your friends. Enjoy it!

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