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TCE podcast episode #231

1 month ago

Daniel joined from the U.K., Jodi joined from Illinois. Daniel mentioned the effect the Trump victory will have in stymying the plans of the globalists; what stopped the dems from committing fraud? What leads to people splitting ballots between parties? Should individual States ban out-of-state money for State races? DOJ backing down immediately; what will happen to the NY case in which Trump was already convicted? Is Raskin still planning to block Trump from being inaugurated? Is the purpose of pharma’s advertising on TV to own the media? What can the republicans do to protect and insulate free speech? Trump won every county on the border! What will Dems do between now and 1/20? For how long will Congress pass another CR before then?

Steven, Ed P., Ed M., Meagan, Mike, Daniel, Dick, Jodi

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