Dreams & Laser Experiments Prove the Matrix Code Is Real

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Dream and laser experiments prove that the Matrix code is real.

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Are we truly living in the Matrix? A new, controversial experiment by Danny Goler may just show a literal Matrix code embedded in the fabric of our reality. Danny’s claim is that when you project a diffracted laser onto a surface, you can see this code...yes, like Neo in the movie. Now comes the controversial part: The experiencers had to be on DMT to see it. It’s being called the “red laser effect,” and now Joe Rogan is even talking about it. So could it be a glimpse into something real, or just some hippy nonsense?

Ever heard of an alternative therapy called family constellations? Family members go through therapy together to explore and resolve hidden dynamics, traumas, or patterns within their family system. It aims to facilitate healing by acknowledging past events and rebalancing relationships. The therapy is taking Mexico by storm, but the mainstream health system doesn’t seem to be too happy about it. Find out why.

In another groundbreaking experiment, the question came up: can water tell us what we dream? A woman reported she placed water beside her as she slept, then looked at the water’s crystallography to see if it retained memory of her dreams. Indeed, the water formed shapes of exactly what she’d dreamed about that night. Is it just a hoax or is it real? Join Ben Chasteen and Rob Counts on this Edge of Wonder Live show as they uncover the truth.

At the end of the show, don’t miss the live Q&A followed by a meditation/prayer only on Rise.TV. See you out on the edge!

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#dreams #matrix #therapy

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