Stand4THEE Friday Night Zoom Jan 10 - What is the Impact of Prorogue?

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What about this prorogue?

Let's start with the basics. Prorogue means to "end the Parliament session". This happens organically at the end of a session, however, in this case it was Trudeau who requested to prorogue and the Governor General (GG), Mary Simon agreed to it. The PM can only request it, the GG must agree to it. Read more on proroguing Government HERE:

What is the impact of proroguing? It means that all debates cease, all committees are dissolved and all bills are terminated. In short, the House is no longer operating and when the next session does start, current bills need to be reintroduced, and committees reformed.

While it may be true that a member's bill isn't affected in the house, Bill C-293 had moved to the Senate and was at committee. That committee has been dissolved and they need to reform the committee at the next session... and we'll be ready for them when they do!

But when you get down to it, does this really matter? Is this just another distraction from bigger issues? We know it's an election year so unless a "snap election" is called, what is going to be the result of this prorogue?

Let's dig into this tonight @ 8PM (EST)!

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