Why and How the Scientific Litterature is Corrupted

15 days ago

Miste4Liberty: When you say publish or perish, you mean if these professors don’t publish, then they cannot further their careers. Is that correct?
Judy Mikovits, PhD: Correct, because if they don’t get the grant, if they don’t publish, in the early 90s, the National Academy of Sciences, which is like, oh, the best scientists in the world, they all got together and they decided to assign an impact factor to every journal. So the journal Science was number one in science in America, the journal Nature is number one in the UK. Welcome Trust is that criminal organization, sorry, just saying… and then of the medical journals, JAMA, Journal of the American Medical Association, and big medical journal that was so corrupt in the trials, and they paid for the reviewers, the New England Journal of Medicine, that fraudulent organization, who did not even see that everybody was antibody positive because SARSCoV2 was a chimera injected in every single Polio vaccine since 2004. The paper is Moore & All in the Journal of Virology.

Clip from a recent interview with Miste4Liberty (https://t.me/Miste4Liberty)
Co-Executive Director of Health Freedom Idaho: Professors Pressure to Publish or Perish; https://rumble.com/v66wtda-professors-pressure-to-publish-or-perish..html

Moore & All paper, Journal of Virology: https://therealdrjudy.com/peer-reviewed-pubs

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